OPPLE Global Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy was updated on April 17, 2024. The Privacy Policy will provide details on how we manage your personal information for OPPLE Global products and services. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.

OPPLE LIGHTING CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as “OPPLE”, “we”, “our” or “us”) takes your privacy very seriously. The Privacy Policy is a statement and commitment covering the aspect of privacy for OPPLE Global app and constitutes an integral part of the OPPLE Privacy Policy. In the event of any inconsistency between the OPPLE Privacy Policy and another specific agreement involving OPPLE, the terms of this Privacy Policy shall take precedence.

1. What information is collected by us and how we use it

In order to provide our services to you, we will ask you to provide personal information that is necessary to provide those services to you. We will only collect the information that is necessary for specified, concrete, explicit and legitimate purposes and shall ensure that the information is not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. You have the right to choose whether or not to provide the information we have requested, but in most cases, if you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services or respond to your queries.
Depending on the service you choose, we may collect the following types of information:

We may collect any personal information you provide to us, which is necessary for the service you choose.

(a) Internet connection of smart devices

In order to provide you with "OPPLE Global " services so that you can safely connect and manage smart devices, we may collect your Wi-Fi information, location information, login account information, mobile phone related information, smart devices related information, and the association information between Opple account and smart devices. This information will be used to provide you with smart device connection. The above information is listed in detail as follows:

Mobile phone related information: hardware device identification (IMEI/OAID, Mac address, Android ID), mobile phone model, system version, system language, country or region set on the mobile phone, version number of the application store, mobile phone screen size and resolution, CPU and display device related information. 

Information collected during the process of connecting smart devices. Based on the type of smart devices you need to connect, we may collect the following information:

For smart devices connected via Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi information (SSID, BSSID, Wi-Fi Mac address, Wi-Fi password), device Mac address, and device ID.

For smart devices that need to establish a local connection via Bluetooth first and then connected via Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi information (SSID, BSSID, Wi-Fi Mac address, Wi-Fi password), device Mac address, and device Bluetooth Mac address.

Information necessary to determine whether "OPPLE Global " is running in the foreground, so as to promptly notify the user when the device sends an alarm: information about the running program process and a list of installed programs.

(b) Application service and intelligent hardware upgrade

In order to offer you the latest "OPPLE Global " service continuously, we may use your "OPPLE Global " application version information and mobile phone model to provide you with "OPPLE Global " application upgrade services. At the same time, we may collect the version number information and list of your connected smart devices to provide you with smart devices upgrading functions to ensure that you can get the service of latest "OPPLE Global " version (including firmware version).

(c) Location Data

When you use our App, we may request access to your precise location information. We collect this information to provide more accurate services, ensuring you receive information and service relevant to your location.

(d) Camera service

When you use our App, we may request access to your camera to enable you to use the photo-taking feature. We understand the importance of privacy to you, so please comply with local laws and regulations and respect the privacy of others when using this feature. We collect information related to the photo-taking feature, such as photos and videos, to provide a richer user experience, such as for creating customer, sign, etc. We ensure that this information is used only to improve and optimize the functionality of the App and not for other purposes. Please note that we may disclose information generated through the photo-taking feature in accordance with legal requirements, court orders, government requests, or legal procedures. We take appropriate security measures to protect the information generated by the photo-taking feature and to ensure its security and confidentiality. We recommend that you review our privacy policy regularly to understand how we handle and protect this information. When using the photo-taking feature, you may choose not to provide the relevant information, but please note that this may affect your use of certain features or services.

1.2 Information that we collect in your use of services

In order to offer you better experience of the control and management of smart devices provided by "OPPLE Global ", we may collect and use your personal information in the following additional functions. If you do not provide this personal information, you can still use the basic services of "OPPLE Global ", but you may not be able to use these additional functions that can bring you convenience.

These additional functions include:

We may collect the feedback questions, feedback logs, and the phone number or email address you filled in. This information will help us better understand the problems you encounter and contact you.

1.3 Cookies and other technologies 

· Log files: Like most websites, we collect certain information and store it in log files. Such information may include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp and/or clickstream data. We do not associate log data which is collected automatically with other information we collect.

· Mobile Analytics: In some mobile applications, we use mobile analytics software to better understand our mobile software functions in your mobile phone. This software may log information such as how often you use the app, events that occur within the app, cumulative usage, performance data, and location where app crashes occur. We do not link the information stored in the analytics software to any personal information you submit in the mobile application.

1.4 Non-personal information

We may also collect other types of information which are not directly or indirectly linked to an individual and which may not be defined as personal information according to applicable local laws. Such information may include statistical data generated when you use a specific service, such as including clicks, page redirects, and browsing time Such information is collected in order to improve the services we provide to you.

2. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

2.1 Sharing your personal information with third party service providers and business partners

To help us provide you with products and services described in this Privacy Policy, we may, where necessary, share your personal information with our third party service providers and business partners. 

OPPLE will conduct due diligence and have contracts in place to ensure that third-party service providers comply with the applicable privacy laws in your jurisdiction. We perform reasonable reviews of the data security practices of companies and organizations with which we share personal information and/or also sign strict data processing agreements with them. Furthermore, we require third parties to take adequate measures to safeguard your information and to strictly comply with applicable laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements.

2.2 Sharing that you actively choose or request

With your consent or at your request, we will share your personal information within the scope of your consent/request with specific third parties designated by you. For example, when you use the OPPLE Account to sign in to a third-party website or app.

2.3 Sharing information with our group

In order to successfully conduct business operations and to provide you with all the functions of our products or services, we may share your personal information from time to time to other OPPLE affiliates.

2.4 Other

It is possible that we may share your personal data if required by law and/or government authorities. If the disclosure is necessary or appropriate for national security, law enforcement,or other matters of public importance, we may also disclose information about you to the extent it is permitted under applicable data protection laws.


Our Service is not intended for children. Children must not use the Service for any purpose. We will not knowingly allow anyone under 4 to register for our Services and/or provide any personal identification information. If you are under 4, please do not sign up to use our Services or provide any information about yourself through the Service.

4. Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback regarding this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions regarding how we collect, use, or disclose your personal information, please contact us: 

Email: wangkai@oeasy.team